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The non-linear, unexpected and severe responses of ecosystems to the environmental changes crossing ecological thresholds or environmental limits, necessitate the regular monitoring of the human-induced pressures to the urban ecosystems. The present study aims to introduce a spatial decision support system for sustainable environmental planning and management of urban ecosystems by establishing an Urban Carrying Capacity Load Number model (UCCLN) based on carrying capacity concepts and sustainability principles .This model, by applying 30 temporal and spatial indicators continuously monitors the environmental loads on the urban ecosystems. Environmental load was represented by load number index. It was calculated in each zone of study area (urban districts). Geographical Information System (GIS) was used to establish UCCLN model and Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS). The study area was Tehran metropolis, the capital of Iran. The results showed that none of the 115 urban districts of Tehran had optimal Total Load Number (TLN) ranging from (10 to100); 7 districts (6%) had low-to-medium range of TLN (TLN = 100–200); 11 districts (9.5%) had medium-to-high range (TLN = 200–300); 57 districts (49.5%) had high-to-very high range (TLN = 300–400); 40 districts (34.7%) had the TLN range of very high-to-critical (TLN = 400–500); and none of them had the TLN of 500. Furthermore, the results revealed that Tehran has already overshot its ecological thresholds. Not only most of the 30 indicators of environmental pressure in most of the districts (85%) had high DCC and LN scores, but also most of the 115 districts obtained high DCC, and as a result LN scores. The need for developing more efficient urban planning and management strategies to cope with the increasing environmental loads in the study area is inevitable.  相似文献   

Lo studio è basato sul confronto tra la flora di 5 città localizzate nelle principali regioni fitoclimatiche italiane: Milano, Ancona, Roma, Cagliari e Palermo. L'analisi di 684 specie rilevate in 50 aree campione ha evidenziato l'importanza delle apofite nella flora urbana in Italia e il ruolo delle terofite che provengono direttamente dalla vegetazione mediterranea. Il confronto ha inoltre mostrato la dominanza dei fattori biogeografici nella costituzione della copertura vegetale delle 5 città. Questi risultati contrastano con l'elevata percentuale di specie esotiche e con l'uniformità floristica osservate nelle aree urbane dell'Europa Centrale.  相似文献   
The spread of alien plant species is a critical ecological event worldwide, but the forces that control this spread are not well documented. Alien plant species are well known to disrupt ecological services of native ecosystems, change the composition of native habitats, and often lead to the extirpation of native flora and fauna. Here, we report on life history patterns of plant species with rapidly spreading and declining ranges in North America’s major urban region. We tested for differences in life history traits between the 466 native and alien woody flora of the New York metropolitan area. We also examined the relationship between life history traits and change in distribution in the New York metropolitan area between 1900 and 2000. Native and alien species of the New York metropolitan area differ with respect to pollination vector and breeding system. However, pollination vector and breeding system are not associated with success, defined here as increasing range spread in the urban environment; instead, fruit type (dispersal), life form and origin are important determinants of success. Alien species that are deciduous trees, shrubs or vines with fleshy fruit are the most successful in increasing their distribution in this urban landscape. Newly introduced species with these characteristics are expected to have a better chance at establishing in similar urban landscapes and should be targets for intensive management. The ability to predict which alien species will become invasive is also a valuable tool for the prevention of invasions by newly introduced plant species.  相似文献   
Intra-annual wood formation in healthy and affected Norway maple (Acer platanoides L.) street trees in the City of Ljubljana, Slovenia, was studied by the micro-coring method. Samples were taken with a Trephor instrument at weekly intervals during the 2005 growing season. The beginning of wood formation corresponded to the initiation of cambial activity in the middle of April in all investigated Norway maple trees. In healthy trees, the period of wood formation was finished in mid-September, persisting 7 weeks longer than in affected ones. Small destructivity and sufficient quality of micro-cores confirmed that sampling with a Trephor is a convenient method for the study of wood formation in diffuse-porous hardwoods, growing in the harsh conditions of an urban environment.  相似文献   
完善的交通基础设施网络是形成高度同城化和高度一体化城市群的前提和基础,科学探测城市群地区交通通达度对生态系统健康状况的影响机理对城市群地区生态系统保护以及区域可持续发展具有重要实践意义和价值。基于多源数据分别测度了1995—2015年长江中游城市群交通通达度以及生态系统健康水平,并借助双变量空间自相关与空间回归模型从全局和局部的角度揭示了交通通达度对生态系统健康的影响机理。研究结果显示:(1)研究期间长江中游城市群生态系统健康状况总体呈现降低态势,山区生态系统健康水平显著高于平原地区;(2)双变量空间自相关分析结果显示交通通达度和生态系统健康水平之间存在显著的空间依赖性,二者之间主要的关系类型包括低交通通达度水平-低生态系统健康水平、高交通通达度水平-低生态系统健康水平和低交通通达度水平-高生态系统健康水平三种类型;(3)空间回归结果显示交通通达度的增加会导致生态系统健康状况的恶化,而且交通通达度对生态系统健康的影响具有显著的空间异质性。研究发现可以为长江中游城市群地区生态系统健康保护宏观调控政策制定以及差异化管控政策制定提供科学依据。  相似文献   
【目的】分析居住于哈尔滨城市和乡村的青年居民肠道菌群多样性的异同。【方法】采用PCR和DGGE技术相结合的方法对生活于哈尔滨城市和乡村的青年志愿者肠道菌群多样性进行研究。基于DGGE指纹图谱,分别使用聚类和PCA分析对志愿者肠道微生物相似性进行分析,使用Shannon-Weine多样性指数(H′)、丰度(S)和均匀度(EH)对志愿者肠道微生物多样性进行分析,对图谱中具有代表性的共性和特异性条带进行胶回收和克隆测序以分析志愿者肠道微生物组成。基于PCR技术在种水平上对城乡志愿者肠道内乳杆菌属和双歧杆菌属多样性进行定性分析。【结果】相似性分析显示,城乡青年居民间肠道微生物群落结构存在分开趋势,相似性小于城市或乡村青年居民内部;多样性分析显示,城乡青年居民肠道微生物多样性差异不显著;测序结果表明,城乡居民肠道微生物组成在门水平上相同,但是在种属水平上存在差异。PCR定性分析显示Lactobacillus plantarum、L.casei和L.salivarius在哈尔滨城乡青年居民肠道内检出率接近100%,Bifidobacterium longum和B.breve的检测率约90%,在哈尔滨城乡青年居民肠道内普遍存在;乳杆菌属和双歧杆菌属各细菌种在城乡居民肠道中的检出频率差异不显著。【结论】哈尔滨城市和乡村青年居民肠道微生物多样性差异不显著。  相似文献   
基于CITYgreen模型的城市森林管理信息系统的构建与应用   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
通过Arcview3.2开发语言Avenue,建立了基于CITYgreen模型的城市森林管理信息系统,为城市森林结构研究、生态效益综合评价提供了理论与技术依据,并利用该系统对沈阳市区城市森林进行了结构分析和生态效益定量评价。  相似文献   
城市森林结构的量化研究——以沈阳树木园森林群落为例   总被引:42,自引:6,他引:36  
采用遥感图像判读和野外调查相结合的方法,定量分析了沈阳树木园植物群落的物种结构及空间格局。结果表明,沈阳树木园植被的生长状况良好;物种丰富,其中黄蘖(Phellodendron amugense)、刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)、榆树(Ulmus pumila)在树木株数和相对优势度上均占优势,为群落的主林木;植被在高度和胸径上的分布均表现为具有向上发展的潜力,整个植被群落正处于一个快速的生长期,属于发挥生态效益的最佳时期,沈阳树木园的树种多度与基于叶面积的相对优势度之间无明显关联,数量上占优势的树种,其相对优势度不一定很高,沈阳树木园植被树木株数与不同树高等级间的分布关系表现为上凸的曲线,随着树木高度级的增加,树木株数开始分布比较平稳,当高度超过12m后,树木株数明显减少,曲线急骤下降,树木株数分布与不同胸径等级间的关系也呈现类似的情况。  相似文献   
Birds and figs are conspicuous members of the tropical and subtropical ecosystems. Because they are easily observed and very speciose, their relationships have been well studied in many areas, and the figs are considered a keystone resource for many bird species which are efficient fig seed dispersers. Taiwan has a relatively high endemism rate for many taxa (17% of bird species) but because of its high human population density, most lowland habitats are heavily developed, of which much of it covered by dense urban habitation. To establish the importance of urban figs for birds, we focused our surveys mostly on three common urban fig species (Ficus caulocarpa, F. microcarpa and F. subpisocarpa). We observed trees with ripening figs from July 2013 to December 2016 in order to determine the composition of the fig-consuming bird community. In addition, we added all the information available in the scientific literature and birdwatchers' observations which we could find. In total, we observed 42 bird species consuming 18 fig species. The bird diversity in urban areas was non-negligible even during winter. Therefore, there are two reasons why figs are important for Taiwan's bird avifauna: in cities, the tree diversity is generally low so that figs provide a stable food resource; and since figs are fruiting all year-round, they are one of the few reliable resources available during winter when many migrant birds overwinter in Taiwan. Already crucial for many species in tropical and subtropical forests, fig trees may also be essential for urban birds in tropical and subtropical regions.  相似文献   
Urban landscapes provide unique environments for a wide variety of plants and animals, but their suitability may be limited by anthropogenic impacts such as pollution. We examined the potential utility of lichen and lichen-feeding moths as biodindicators of air pollution in Hong Kong by comparing carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) stable isotope values in lichens, lichenivorous and non-lichenivorous moths (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) and a moth outgroup (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). Our results show that stable isotope values for C and N were similar for lichens and lichen feeding moths, while non-lichen feeding moths formed a distinct group. In addition, we found consistent δ13C and δ15N values across moth body parts, indicating that any portion of the specimen is suitable for isotopic fingerprinting. Our results highlight that lichen feeding moths may be useful for integrating signals of atmospheric nitrogen pollution and could therefore have utility in monitoring and quantifying air quality over time and space.  相似文献   
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